Monday, August 10, 2009

Not My Vacation Tales

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is not me that returned from our very first ever road trip on Saturday and still have not finished all the laundry. Nooooo way could it take me three days to do a week's worth of dirty laundry and I would NEVER throw away clothes when I couldn't get the camping stains out the first time. I am way too conservative for that. Would never do it. Not me.

It's also not me that left at 5 AM in a standard SUV with my two young children, my handsome husband, our 13 year old dog and enough stuff to stock a small village. Not me. I would fly. And use rolling luggage.

It was definitely not me that woke up on the first day of vacation to find the window of our truck smashed out and camping equipment stolen. NOT ME, please. That would be a terrible way to start a vacation and it was definitely not me, or my husband that spent the first day of vacation searching for someone to replace our window and a new hotel that would accommodate our two young children, 13 year old dog and half enough stuff to stock a village. And definitely not me that happily let the dog climb on the upholstered furniture when we got there. That would be rude and I was NOT feeling hostile. Not me.

It was not me that went to my husband's high school reunion and was feeling a little feisty about how much all the ladies love him and remember what a sweetie he is from 20 years ago. Not me that stalked past him to the restroom and casually reminded him that I was his wife and I had very patiently been chatting with his friends who I'd never met for over an hour. That is NOT ME. I am far too meek for that.

It was not me that cried more than once on our Yosemite adventure because I simply could not believe that I was living those moments with a husband who I adore and children that still think we're great. To be overcome by the beauty of the location and the bounty of my blessings would be sappy and cliche. It was not me. More than once.

I am NOT charmed by a sweet girl catching minnows and a young boy with his dog

I do not think they're the cutest kids ever roasting marshmallows
I definitely did not tear up when he was sworn in as a Junior Ranger
OR when she was hanging her head out the window like the dog

and did not fall madly in love with the natural beauty of the granite cliffs, the valley vistas and melted snow that feeds breathtaking waterfalls. Didn't love it. Even a little. Not me.

and I absolutely, positively am NOT giddy about the fact that he's my husband, those are my kids and these moments are my life. No, not me.


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh! Your pictures are both breathtaking and fun!! Looks like a good time was had by all!

Thanks, too, for stopping by my blog. Unfortunately, the PETA thing is true -- no joke there. I really think they've gone too far this time.

Thanks again for stopping by!

~ Jennifer

Dabalack Family said...

I love it!! The trip and memories you and the family have made are unforgetable!! I am so happy you and the family were able to embark on that amazing adventure. Love you!!


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