Ten Things to Smile About: October 2013
My Bob being named MVP following an especially rough soccer game. She was delighted to replenish her calories in the candy store.
A gorgeous Friday night wedding at the beach. I am beyond happy for my sweet friend and her handsome new husband. Congratulations Troutmans!
Driving to work every day on Pacific Coast Highway instead of the freeway. Following the deep blue sea from Dana Point to Newport Beach is truly a magical way to start the day.
Thursday morning carpool and preschool story time with my goddaughter.
The very first cotillion of the season. Now we have two little charmers doing the cha cha!
Finding a great after school sitter/driver on Care.com. She is a MAJOR help to our family and the kids love her. Win! Win!
Every single thing about this video. The Seminole football helmet, the skateboard, the crash pad against the door. They crack me up!!
The rainbow loom factory that the kids have started in our family room. Please let us know if you'd like a bracelet. Bob is quite the salesman!!!
The new NBC show on Monday nights, The Blacklist. Holy heart stopper!
Halloween, of course. Wayne Campbell, a la Wayne's World (ca. 1992) and Alice of Alice in Wonderland. They loved it which I why I loved it. The end.
The last Tuesday of the month is when Emmy posts her Ten Things. I can't bear to make time go any faster than it already is. Sorry to be tardy to the party, Emmy!

1 comment:
No worries being late at all! You always have liked waiting until the month is totally over which is perfectly fine. That would be such a pretty location for a wedding! Though my first though, oh I would not want to photograph that, beach shoots can be hard :) But that is also why I am not a wedding photographer.
Your commute sounds beautiful. That videos is hilarious, too funny. Love your floors.
Thank you so much for linking up
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