Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashback Friday

There's a sassy little miss that's getting lots of attention around here by default.  That must be the idea, I think.

She has a brother, though that is as precious and loved as ever.  This school year he seems suddenly very big and sophisticated.  He gets home from baseball practice a half hour after bedtime.  The same bedtime he's had since he was in first grade.  Then he stays up too late to read new books that his friends have recommended to him. It might be time to move on (for me) but we're in no hurry.

For me he will always be the sweet little gift from God that hung on his second grade teacher's every word.  He still loves bedtime prayers and thoughtful mass intentions.  The picture I carry of him in my heart looks mostly like this.  For my whole life.

First Holy Communion
May 2010

Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.
~Rabindranath Tagore

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