Undercaffeinated and Overspent,
Your Best Customer
Dear Bargain Shoppers ~
Come on over!! I have been cleaning and emptying away and have tagged lots of goodies for you. I do need to establish some rules, though. Well, really only one. Absolutely no haggling. I believe that $1 is more than a fair price for a designer sweater with the tags on it. Please do not even consider asking if I will take $1 for it and three others like it. I won't. Then I'll be mad and won't let you buy anything and we'll both be disappointed. That's no fun. I am keeping my fingers crossed to unload enough stuff to head to the Coach store on Sunday. I love it when everyone's happy!
Play Nice and You'll Get the Good Stuff,
The Stingy Lady on the Driveway
Dear Holidays ~
Whoa Nelly! I am super excited for your arrival, but am a little alarmed by how rapidly you're approaching. My deal is to address Christmas cards over Thanksgiving weekend, but seeing as I haven't even ordered cards yet I may have a problem. I am so enjoying my harvest decor and it's almost time to haul out the nativity scene. Please slow down just a little. Come to us nice and easy and let my family and me enjoy the season. You are pure magic to us and I don't want to miss a single moment. I promise we'll savor it and make you glad you came.
With Love,
Dear Blog ~
I know you're lonely and feeling unloved. I'm sorry. I have big, big plans to spruce you up and fill you with witty, meaningful words again. Soon. Right now I lack clarity of thought and don't have much nice to say. That doesn't really make for good material to share with the world. I hope you understand. I'll be back and you'll be my favorite hobby again. Keep the keyboard warm for me.
Mrs Montoya
I am so glad that Starbucks isnt nearby! I love the coffeemate peppermint mocha and pumpkin spice creamers...they are pretty dang close to getting some Starbucks holiday goodness!
Mmm..Starbucks! And as for the bargain shoppers...I've never held a yard sale, I guess I don't have the patience for it! Maybe I don't have the patience for the hagglers! I'm always giving my stuff to family/goodwill/library, etc., much easier for me!
Good luck on your garage sale! And yes I would be very annoyed if someone tried to talk down a shirt for $1!!
I hear you on the Starbucks letter. My gosh... I hate how much I love them.
I can't have a garage sale because I think my crap is worth too much.
You know how much I love your letters, don't you? Almost as much as pumpkin spice latte. Now that's a lot. Wish I could make it to your garage sale. I need some designer clothes with tags on them- for a buck- what a steal. The only thing I might hagle for is a plane ticket to come see you!
Ugh, I am a bargain shopper but I never barter. I'm too shy. I've had annoying ones at my yard sales though. And if you tell them no, they get all huffy about it..
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