I was inspired today by a variety of things to get back on track with our blog. I added a new template, updated my playlist (hope you like it, TT!) and added some other fun features. Blogging is a temporary addiction for me. I love looking at friends of friends sites through their links and have gotten some good inspiration and love to read other people's stories. I am just around the corner from being able to resume my obsession with Facebook, but I don't regret for a second giving it up for Lent. First and foremost, because it was genuinely a sacrifice. I literally itch sometimes just to log in and catch up and it's a good and soulful reminder to me of the sacrifices that God has made for all of us. Surely I can give up my social networking for 60 days.
March is an unbelievable month for us and I couldn't be happier that it's over. Ed and I both have our annual BIG events for our companies and they are literally back to back. I like to think that I am not married to my career, but that only means that I have a very demanding lover in the month of March.
Prudential Real Estate finished their Annual Sales Convention just on Wednesday and our little team of meeting planners pulled off the impossible one more time. This year marked the 6th time I have had the opportunity to work on this meeting for Pru and every year is a little easier in some ways, and much harder in others. The past 8 days especially bittersweet for me. When the company had layoffs during Christmas I knew that we would lose half of our team. Their last day was today. Less than 48 hours after they worked a 90 hour week with me. I admire them all so much for sticking it out and giving it their all, literally until the last moment. Saying goodbye this afternoon was not easy for me.
But in happier news, I am on Spring Break!!!!! Well, Max is on Spring Break and I am joining him. His sister is also on a little break and his Nana arrives on Tuesday to join in the fun. We have no hard and fast plans but for me to be on vacation for the next 10 ten days leaves me with an incredible feeling of contentment. I'm sure we'll go to Disneyland, have some ice cream, try to sleep late . . . I truly don't care. Just the prospect of the "unplannedness" of it all makes me giddy.
We are hosting the Montoya/Abrams/Pratt/McCarthy/Dabalack/Anderson gangs for Easter Sunday next weekend and I am looking forward to having everyone together. My mom has some fantastic ideas for centerpieces and table decor, I love to have an excuse to plant new flowers and just love more than anything for everyone to be in the same place at the same time.
I hope Spring is bringing for you a sense of renewal and hope. I am superficially praying for warm, sunny weather and a few quiet moments to give Thanks for all I love. The hustle of the last week only makes me more grateful for the peace and love I have to come home to.
"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Psalm 16:5-8
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