Ten Reasons to Smile
Warm spring afternoons, the deep blue sea and the sun finally shining in our little corner of the world
Spending time with my sweet nieces

My roses blooming abundantly and making beautiful bouquets for home and to share.
Enjoying time with family and friends and there being no difference in the two

Almost managing to master business and pleasure. Almost.
Where else in the world could I fawn over a pair of diamond earrings and buy a gallon of margarita mix, shrimp cocktail, laundry detergent and a $6 dress for a little girl?!?!!?
Celebrating the abundant beauty of Easter

Friday night baseball games where the adults are having as much fun as the kids!
An impromptu getaway that included the Presidential suite in our favorite city. His and hers bathrooms, views EVERYWHERE, and milk & cookies, a jacuzzi and some very necessary downtime for our babies who are just not babies anymore.

Watching live coverage of the Royal Wedding with my own Princess. I do love love and I happen to think William and Kate are adorable. God Bless them and their modern fairy tale.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Ooooooh! A Presidential Suite? You lucky girl!
Love all the pictures...happiness rules when you know where to find it.
Sounds like April was a great month!
Your friends and family are all SO gorgeous. I'm jealous of the presidential suite...but what I really want: Is to BE. A. PRINCESS!!! :) I think I have a girl crush on her.
The Presidental suite, how awesome is that. Great pictures-so glad you got to spend time with extended family. Thanks so much for always linking up.
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