The first half of June is just flying by with absolutely no signs of slowing down. We've been our usual over the top busy selves. The kids are wrapping up their school year and the activities are non-stop. To avoid being broken hearted about the reality of my youngest child heading to first grade I will recount all our busy goodness.
E and I went to Las Vegas last weekend with 35 other adults to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday. That was a super fun getaway. Everyone went out dancing together on Friday night. We were some kind of crew!
E set the dance floor on fire - SO MUCH FUN! My BFF loves it when he boogies :)
We lounged in the pool on Saturday. Given the opportunity, I would do that every weekend.
E and I went to the spa late on Saturday afternoon and were starving afterwards. We ate like homeless people in a restaurant in the hotel and didn't make it to dinner with the group. We ended up having an impromptu date night instead and since it was unexpected it was that much better. Time alone doesn't happen very much for us and it was good to be out with no plans at all.
We ended up at David Copperfield and the show was unreal. We were invited for a Meet n Greet after the show and he did the coolest magic trick right in front of our faces. No way!!
And anytime we even think we're remotely cool we come home to a six year old that hides from us and refuses to leave her Grandma's house. Oh right - reality!
The Athlete stayed home from school one day with the remnants of a sinus infection that still won't go away. His sister said she was sick, too. I didn't believe her until she vomited all over my bed. That was not my favorite thing that happened so far in June. With the vomit came a fever and she missed her Kindergarten Awards Tea. Poor baby girl.
Lucky for her she had already been to a birthday party earlier in the week and an end of year pool party. What's the end of school without thirty eight parties in ten days???
Third grade social studies brought the Pioneer School graduation. Each kid had to select a Pioneer poem to memorize and recite at the graduation celebration. The Athlete did a really great job on his poem and was SO excited about his pioneer outfit. He made me super proud
He also had his end of season track party and end of season baseball party. The coming week will bring Kindergarten graduation, another pool party and field day.
I'll be there with my camera and my tissue. And wishing we could slow down just a little.