Monday, February 15, 2010

Not Me Monday

It is so not me that thinks four days off could be the cure for everything.  I am dedicated professional - a go getter - and a doer.  I would NOT take four days off as an opportunity to stay in, kiss all over my babies and get some things done at home to make me feel complete.  Not me.

I did not take The Athlete, The Princess and a couple of friends to lunch on Friday and let them get ice cream after eating about half of their meals - collectively.  And I did NOT let them get candy in the candy store afterwards, along with a kazoo.  Nope, not me.  And I did not giggle when my husband asked who was in charge of that outing.  Because he knew that it couldn't have been me.  And it wouldn't have been me that let them eat the candy and fresh chocolate chip cookies in their sleeping bags after bedtime while they were watching the Olympics.  That would be so irresponsible and inappropriate.

It was not me that spent the entire day on Saturday doing housework and absolutely felt like it gave me the right to lounge around on Sunday.  Not having to work on Monday was not so liberating that I laid in bed for hours with the kiddos watching movies and then let them have In and Out for dinner.  No, not moi

And mostly, it can not be me that cries every single time I think that my first born is turning eight this week.  I don't cry when I see a baby picture hanging in the hallway and think that my entire life is zipping by while I am fretting over skin care and grey hair.  Not me that thinks I am still the mother of toddlers and that it's a viable excuse to be crazy.  That chick is not me.

What didn't you do?  Don't tell me.  It's not me that laughs at your expense.


Ruby Red Slippers said...

My sons just turned nine, and seven...I know exactly what you are talking about!!!

And I wish I was hanging out on Friday night with you all watching the olympics-that sounds like fun!!!

Sounds like you had a GREAT few days!

jules said...

Enjoy every minute, they will be grown and gone before you know it.

SurferWife said...

My first born who is also the athlete around here will be 8 in 2.5 weeks.

How old is your Princess? Mine was 4 in October.

Macey said...

And I'm guessing you didn't LOVE it more than anything and that your kids WON'T remember it and cherish it forever. : )

tori said...

This "Not Me" person couldn't possibly be the same person as the "Un Fun" person who posted on this same blog a few days ago?

Keep up the good work Mom! you're doing a great job!!!

Desert Rose said...

Ya, it wasn't me that gets upset thinking that my oldest will be a teen this week!

Emmy said...

Good for you! It sounds like you really let go and just had fun this weekend. So so good.

And this weekend will be one your kids will remember for a long time.

Andrea said...

I didn't go back to bed after my husband left for work and stay there until my 3 year old woke me at 9:45! It was not so great!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel will turn two in a few weeks. I would love to have him potty trained, but not grow up. Stopping from SITS!

Tara said...

Oh that all sounds like fun to me! BTW, I forgot to remind you of Music Monday so it's all back on you. My brain isn't capable of remembering anything not written down. Not sure if that is age or motherhood or both but I'm suffering badly!!!!

shortmama said...

My oldest will be 8 in a couple weeks too....devastating! said...

Hugs - My oldest is 11 going on 21 it feels like... stopping by from SITS!


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