Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Calgon . . . take me away

Do you remember those commercials? The busy woman in heels who was begging for a bubble bath and no noise. That's me (and my husband, and most of our friends!) When does it all end and we feel like we are actually ahead of the game? I am starting to understand that life goes directly from this to complaining about an empty nest - in a matter of minutes. I am not necessarily complaining, but I am lamenting the lack of resources to do all the things that my family is committed to in a 24 hour period. This week alone our schedule looks like this -

Costco trip after school(we're officially out of food), a Dentist appointment, Swim Lessons - twice for each kid, a Doctor's appointment, a 9 PM Basketball game, a mid-week Little League Game, End of Year party (complete with DVD slideshow, coach's gifts, flowers for helpers and a baseball cake), three early morning meetings, volunteering in Max's class, twelve loads of laundry, Little League Closing Day, a Legoland date with Max & Pia's cousins AND two parents with full time jobs with a commute thrown in at $4.35 a gallon. Woe is me!

Time starved, check.

Emotionally overwhelmed, check.

Needing a vacation, check.

Gloriously blessed, double check.

I wish I had more time to Blog. I wish I lived closer to my family and old friends. I wish I had unlimited cash to buy my way out my hassles. But I don't wish for anything more than my heart will allow. I know this is as good as it gets, I wish it just came with more than 24 hours in a day. These two are looking forward to some downtime!

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