We had a terrific Father's Day weekend. It was action packed, of course, but that must be the way we like it. My amazing husband ran in the World Famous Camp Pendelton Mud Run on Saturday. It's an annual event held on the Marine Base, Camp Pendleton, for two weekends in June. A 10K run complete with military style obstacle course, and aptly named, lots of mud. This is the third year that he has run and only the first year that the rest of us tagged along. Fantastic!

Max was beyond excited just to be able to go onto the Marine Base. He declared it was the best day of his life before we ever even made it to the race site. He saw helicopters, tanks and "Army Guys" before 9 AM. You really can't imagine his delight! He had been looking forward to it for days and he and Pia even made a poster for their Dad while he was out of town earlier in the week.
We had a great time from our ringside seats alongside the final mud pit and we were all beside ourselves when Ed belly crawled over to us to say hi. After 14 years together (that's right, this week is 14 years!!) he still impresses me constantly. I was so proud of him for pushing himself physically and honoring a tradition and a commitment to his classmates. His kids were proud just because he's their terrific Dad and the fact that he was swimming in mud didn't hurt!!
God Bless Daddies for every reason they're loved. I hope your weekend was just as special.