My Lulu,
Your actual birthday was June 30 and I feel more than a little terrible that Daddy and I were in Italy for your big day. But, I know we are important role models to you and I truly hope that you're learning from us that the timing of the world doesn't always work exactly like we want it to. I want you to take the time to learn about life from us before you decide to run headlong into for yourself. Even at eight I can see that it won't be too long before you decide you've got it down. You seem to have your head so high in the clouds sometimes that it doesn't even seem to phase you when life happens, but I also know better.
That teeny tiny tough exterior of yours belies your gigantic soft heart. Your capacity to love has no boundaries. I see how much love you have for your brother, your cousins, your aunts and aunties and your grandparents. You love, love, love your Grandma and your Nana so much and you bring them absolutely endless joy. They treat you like the Princess that you are and you deserve all of the pampering they give.

And a crazy fast runner. Finally after watching your brother's track meets for three years you got to run in your first track meet and you did not disappoint your fan club. You and your classmates ran a great relay and YOU WON your heat in the 100M dash putting you 14th out of 57 first grade girls. That was awesome. We cheered you on through fall recreational soccer and an awesome spring season at indoor soccer. It is so much fun to watch you compete.
You, my eight year old baby, are so beautiful. I love your bright blue eyes, your tangled blonde hair and your smooth, golden skin. I love watching you create an entire world for your American Girl dolls in your room. I love watching you sing and dance in the dining room while I'm making dinner or loading the dishwasher. You're hilarious. You make me laugh. You make me crazy. You make me love more than I even knew I could. You make me better.

Happy Birthday with all my love,
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