Thursday, October 16, 2008

I’ve been feeling a little sorry for myself this week because I have “too much on my plate”. I don’t know about your world, but in mine (particularly in the office) that is said a LOT. The current state of the real estate industry and the general plight of the economy makes working for a financial services company a little more tense than usual. Add to that picture that my boss, and very good friend, has temporarily moved to the UK to handle some family business leaving me to run a Department that was already overloaded.

Poor me, right? Not even. I force myself to remember just how good I’ve got it.

My husband and I are genuinely happy to be married to each other. We have two of the most beautiful, funny, charming children EVER. We have a warm, comfortable home with a bed for everyone. We’re blessed to have two cars to drive, clothes to wear and food to eat. We have an amazing support system in our families and friends that we treasure. And most of all, we have each other and every day together to cherish.

My Mom’s good friend, Cherie, recently her 18 year-old son in a tragic car accident at the end of September. Her husband died of a heart attack exactly two weeks later. I sent her a sympathy card this week and was so struck by how there was NOTHING I could say or do to make it better. If I were in her shoes the only thing that would make it better for me would be to have them back. I pray for her peace every day and for her two surviving sons.

If you’re like me and you can barely muster the energy to smile some days. Please take five minutes to remember why you’re lucky. You may have to stop and physically force yourself to think of it, but I know from my own experience you’ll be glad you did. From a toast that my brother-in-law gave at his wedding this weekend . . .

“Tomorrow is a blessing. Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present”

God Bless you and yours. Please keep those less fortunate than you in your prayers.

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