Saturday, August 25, 2012

Around the loop

We are back in the land of milk & honey and it's not a bad gig.  I am not complaining. 

After a LONG drive back from the wilderness we happily slept on our down pillows and woke up to watch the Game Show Network on the big ol' TV on the wall in our bedroom.  No complaints from me  . . .

but there is this one thing.

Roughing it makes us better
the sunrise view from site 135

Our kids are bright eyed and giggly and beg to ride just two more loops on their bicycles before dinner.  They sit at the picnic table and eat with us and chat about squirrels and tomorrow's hike and the horses they rode that day.

Yosemite National Park ~ Mist Trail
He takes the trash bag to the bear proof cans and she gets more water so I can wash dishes on top of the cooler.  The four of us go to bed at the same time and zip into our sleeping bags and say "good night, I love you".

There is not one thing in the world wrong with high thread count sheets and unlimited amounts of hot water, but at least once a year it's a good, good thing to want to ride your bike around the loop just one more time.

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